विधवा, सामाजिक परिस्तिथी आणि तुमची त्यातील भूमिका
वनिता, बसमध्ये ओळख झालेली एक मैत्रीण, एक शिक्षिका आहे. ऑफिसला जाताना रोज…
मर्दपणा म्हणजे नेमके काय?
मर्दानगी म्हणजे काय? मर्द म्हणजे कोण? कोणत्या गोष्टी केल्या म्हणजे मर्दानगीच्या…
Men’s role in ending street sexual harassment
“You wake up in the morning, you’re ready for your day. Excited, you look…
Like father, like son: Can the media industry help stop violence against women?
Last Thursday, International Women’s Day 2013, I had breakfast with 60…
Let's talk about men as agents of change
Like women, men too are victims of inequality, believe experts, and they need…
In Conversation: The story of Equal Community Foundation
Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been speaking to Will Muir and…
Male volunteers to raise awareness about declining sex ratio
As many as 150 male volunteers aged 14-17 will be engaged in raising awareness…
Building a peer learning community for scaling impact
2016 was the second year of the Hummingbird Raise programme. In the…
Momentum for the movement: 4493 allies for gender equality
As the wheels are in motion for Action for Equality’s 17th programme cycle, we…
Learning from the experts
‘Knowledge shared is knowledge multiplied’. In the last few months, our peers…