Approx. 230 million men in India under the age of 18

1. As per the Indian Government Census 2011, there are 232,407,798 males in India under the age of 18.

Approx. 130 million of these men in India believe or will grow up to believe it is okay to hit women

2.  57% of males ages 15-19 justify violence against women, according to Unicef’s Global Report Card on Adolescents 2012. (Assumptions based on the numerical application of percentages to relevant population data)

Approx. 116 million of these men in India have used or will grow up to use physical violence

3. 50% of Men will use physical violence, according to UN Women’s report on Men and Violence in Asia and Pacific.  (Assumptions based  on the numerical application of percentages to relevant population data)

Approx. 58 million of these men have raped or will grow up to rape

4. 25% of men will rape, according to UN Women’s report on Men and Violence in Asian and Pacific. (Assumptions based  on the numerical application of percentages to relevant population data)

Fewer than 5% of organizations working to end violence against women engage men.

5. Fewer than 5% of organizations working to end violence against women engage men.

 (January 2012, ECF survey of 100 organizations working to end violence)