Organisational Strategy



A world free from gender-based violence


To raise every boy in India to be gender equitable


In India there are approximately 230 million boys under the age of 18. We estimate that as adults:

  1. 57% justify violence against women
  2. 50% will or are likely to use physical violence
  3. 25% will or are likely to be involved in rape

Such gender based violence also sits at the root of key social issues including education, sanitation, sexual and reproductive health, child marriage and trafficking. But, this violence is only the tip of the iceberg; many more men will perpetrate more subtle forms of violence, including financial, emotional and verbal violence. This violence is an emerging epidemic that must be prevented.

We acknowledge that gender equality also has positive outcomes for boys and men, and in our approach we consider boys as allies.

Yet, fewer than 5% of organisations who care about gender-equality run programmes that seek outcomes in boy’s knowledge, skills attitudes and behaviours consistent with gender equality. As long as this gap in practice continues, millions of boys will grow up to perpetrate gender based violence and women and girls, and other genders too, will not realise their rights in health, education and work.

Equal Community Foundation believes therefore that every boy in India should be raised to be gender equitable.

This is an outcome that we describe as Gender Equitable Boys.

Where gender is a central consideration in promoting gender equality and achieving positive development outcomes. And where transforming unequal gender relations is central to promoting shared power, control
of resources, decision-making, and support for women’s empowerment.

Where the concept of human rights acknowledges that every single human being is entitled to enjoy their human rights without distinction as to race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Where the challenges that boy’s face in transforming their attitudes and behaviours and taking action are considered and addressed in the programme design, including the dosage, content, structure and facilitation.

Where boys who are engaged in programmes to raise Gender Equitable Boys are engaged only alongside or integrated with programmes that seek to secure the Rights of women and girls, without impeding such programmes.

Where women and girls contribute to the design, delivery and evaluation of programmes that raise Gender Equitable Boys in a formal and structured manner.

Where other key stakeholders are routinely identified and engaged in order to contribute to the design, delivery and evaluation of programmes that raise Gender Equitable Boys in a formal and structured manner.

Where boys’ knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours are evaluated longitudinally to demonstrate sustained improvement. And where evidence for such evaluation is gathered from stakeholders including women and girls, and facilitators as well as from boys themselves.

Where programmes seek to transform attitudes and behaviours first in homes and communities where attitudes and behaviours are born and nurtured, and then in the education system where they are reinforced.

Where programmes seek to work in marginalised communities, particularly low income communities, where resources to escape violence, agency and recourse are limited.

Where any programme intervention seeks a systematic change to the way communities raise Gender Equitable Boys by working with boys, their peers, families and the community at large.


When we work towards the social outcome of Gender Equitable Boys, we will ensure that:

We build evidence of outcomes, not just outputs

Engaging men and boys is not enough. We must transform boys’ attitudes and behaviours before they become men.

We build and agree upon a common approach

Common outcomes, language, and methods will unify efforts and standardise the ecosystem.

We build capacity and partnerships across the ecosystemOnly a dedicated and planned effort to support CSOs, funders and policy makers will deliver on the outcome of Gender Equitable Boys at scale.