We interviewed 139 women across 16 communities in June 2011. 47% of the women we interviewed, who live with AFE advocates (advocates are men who are a part of the programme) directly reported to us a reduction in incidences of violence and discrimination at the hands of advocates.
Our target is to improve this percentage by at least 10% in the next 12 months.
We interview women through a bespoke tool that’s designed to monitor behaviour change in men (if any) under 10 categories:
1. Help in domestic chores
2. Action against violence
3. Emotional support
4. Health support
5. Education support
6. Civic support
7. Business support
8. Sexual violence (verbal)
9. Sexual violence (physical)
10. Aggressive behaviour (verbal)
11. Aggressive behaviour (physical)
Details of the data collected have been represented in the diagram below. In this diagram, 51% of the women interviewed report an increase in men starting to help with domestic chores. This is one of the initial steps that demonstrate a start of behaviour change in men. But, in our assessment model we focus on frequency and intensity of action in each of the 10 categories. Positive change in one category alone does not qualify as significant change, so the percentage of women reporting a significant reduction in incidences of violence and discrimination at the hands of advocates is lesser – 47%.
Note: In this diagram, the percentage refers to percentage of women reporting incidents of behaviour change in men. The data in the diagram has been derived from interviews conducted with 139 women in June 2011 across 16 communities.
We haven’t been able to get any information on incidents of sexual violence (physical and verbal). The monitoring and evaluation team is currently working on revising the assessment model to be able to get information on various degrees of violence and from women not just from within advocate’s family but also from outside their family.