People often think that violence and discrimination is not our problem. It is always somebody else’s problem. It’s high time we realize that it is our problem and we do something about it.
Here are 7 things you can do to reduce violence and discrimination against women in your family and community.
1. Man Up!
- Next time when you ask any woman in your life to pass that glass of water or clean the house or cook for you, ask yourse
lf: Is there a way I can help her, Am Irequesting her or ordering her, Do I do this sometimes or often? If often, is that fair to her? And, how about writing down these answers… - Remember that a real man doesn’t use violence, force in his relationships with others. Be it holding hands, kissing, or more – always seek consent
- Remember that no woman on the street “hints” or “asks” for harassment – Not through her looks, the makeup or the clothes she wears.
2. Speak up! If you are a victim or see anyone being a victim of violence and discrimination do not stay quiet. Stop it or report it.
3. Be a role model
- As a man, teach other men in your life about healthy equitable attitudes.
- As a woman encourage and support men who are changing their behavior and do not tie them down by gender stereotypical expectations. Be proud of them.
- Do not commit, support or condone any act of gender inequality. Also, next time when your friend makes a sexist joke or passes a rude comment at a woman, don’t encourage or laugh at it!
4. Spread the word Create awareness about the issue amongst your friends, family and community. Be it through discussions, activities, art or media.
5. Support Read more about the issue of violence and discrimination against women. Volunteer or support any organisation that you know that works for this cause
6. Share your story of change Email us the story where you have taken to reduce violence and discrimination against women and the impact it has had. We will share it on our facebook page.
7. Remember you have the power to change things around you