Rohan Mane is a graduate of our first programme cycle of Action for Equality Programme. He is from the community near to Mauli Hall in Khadki Bazaar. His mother reported that since he joined the programme that he has started caring about things around the house. “When I’m not well, he and his brother do all domestic chores.”
Since joining the programme, Rohan has started changing his own behavior and also has become a role model in his community. He is can active volunteer who knows the community and understands the problems that women face.
He advocates to his friends to adopt equitable attitudes and be a real man. At a recent event he shared with us what he says to his friends about being a real man – “आपण कायम मुलींवर इम्प्रेशन पडायचा प्रयत्न करतो. जर त्यांना छेडले, त्रास दिला तर त्या नाराज होतील आणि मग इम्प्रेशन कसे पडणार. आपण नीट वागलो तरच इम्प्रेशन पडणार ना” (We often try to impress girls. If we tease and harass them then they will get upset. How will they get impressed then? Only if we behave well with them then they get impressed with us)