In the last 12 months, we have released three evaluation reports that highlight:
- the impact of the programme on participants
- the factors that influence behaviour change amongst participants
- experiences of female family members of the participants.
These reports have also highlighted our lessons learnt and programme improvement needs. The summary of findings from the most recent evaluation report for cycle 10 of Action for Equality – Graduate Programme:
- Participants are most likely to complete the programme in communities where ECF has been running for four years and where there is strong and active parental support
- Fathers were more likely than mothers to have been influenced or learned something from the son’s participation in the GP – some reported that they had reduced their own violent behaviour as a result.
- 86 percent of relatives stated that the graduate had become more willing to help with domestic chores since joining the programme
- Strong support from parents was one of the most important factors positively influencing enrolment and completion of the Graduate Programme
- 97 percent of survey respondents felt that the issues raised in AfE were relevant and important for their community
Here on this link you can find the detailed Action for Equality Graduate Programme Cycle 10 Evaluation Report
Click on the two links below to read our previous report:
Action for Equality Graduate Programme – Cycle 9 Evaluation Report
Action for Equality Graduate Programme – Cycle 8 Evaluation Report
If you have any questions about the report or its findings, please email us at