Let’s not quibble over our ranking: Let’s focus on making India safe

Christina Furtado, Executive Director at Equal Community Foundation, implores readers to look beyond rankings and focus on addressing the…

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The Tyranny of Princes

This is a blog by Shadhika Project’s President and CEO, Ms. Kim Burnett. Shadhika is currently one of Equal Community Foundation’s funding…

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“It’s not okay to not intervene”

Harshad and Shubham are active participants of Action for Equality Programme who think it’s important to take some action against any form…

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Big Meet and Greet: The collective of changemakers

Through the Action for Equality programme, we aim  to raise Gender Equitable Boys who actively make efforts to stand up against…

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The Journey of Hummingbird Raise

Over the last two years, Equal Community Foundation has provided technical support to 12 organisations in West Bengal to adopt the approach…

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My learning journey at ECF

My internship at ECF began as a result of the placements which took place at the university in which I was studying i.e. Savitribai Phule…

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My experience at ECF

When I began pursuing a degree in Economics last year, I was introduced to several co curricular activities and clubs within my college.…

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What’s happening: 3 months of AFE in under 2 minutes

Since its inception in nine years ago, 4493  young boys have enrolled in our core initiative, the Action for Equality (AfE) programme. Out…

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Our learning journey towards a gender transformative approach

Over the past few years, we have evaluated our work in the context of gender integration continuum. When aiming to work towards gender…

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Have you met our new team members yet?

We aim to end gender-based violence and discrimination. Our most potent resource to meet our goals is our  team- a collective of talented…

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Interning with ECF and what it means to be a harbinger of change

I am a film student studying in the Srishti school of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore. I just completed my foundation year and had a…

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