Meet Swapnil

Swapnil is one of the 1216 graduates of Action for Equality Programme. He…

No place like home?

The issue of violence and discrimination against women is today a topic of…

Project Re:Imagine

Created by Mr. Surya Pratap and his team, Project Re:Imagine was an exciting 4…


Equal Community Foundation is seeking a creative, experienced and enterprising…

What we do

Our mission is to ensure that every man in India has the opportunity to study…

Men are changing ...

Over the last few months, stories of violence and discrimination against women…

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and Action for Equality curriculum

We have developed a robust monitoring and evaluation model for our Action for…

Mentors participate in interactive sessions at Intensive Mentor Training

From the 19th to the 23rd of March, 7 mentors working in different communities…

What about the boys?

On March 6th, we released our first sector research report – “What about the…

Revisiting targets and team building at the Annual Staff Away Day

The annual staff away day was organised for the 24th and 25th of April at the…